Jack and Windows

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Installing Jack

Jackaudio can be downloaded and installed from the official [[1]]

Before installing make sure no other version of jack is installed, especially not jack1. (Go to the system settings, applications and and deinstall jack2 or jack if there is an application)

Install all components (including Jackrouter) should be marked for install.

If an error message appears like: "C:\Program Files\JACK2\win32\JackRouter.dll Unable to register th DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit cod 0x3." this can normally be ignored so just click continue installation.

Installing Jacktrip

It is not necessary to install Jacktrip because it is just an executable binary. Download Jacktrip from the download area[[2]].

  1. Unzip the file in a folder of your choice (for example in C:\Program Files\Jacktrip)
  2. open powershell (windows key -> powershell
  3. navigate to the folder with jacktrip (type "cd 'C:\Program Files\Jacktrip\jacktrip-nilsWIN64'")

the ' ' were necessary if the file path contains blanks. You can autocomplete path elements by pressing tab.

  1. now you should be in the folder that contains the jacktrip-binary. you can verify this by typing "ls" for list. Now you should see all the files contained in that folder
  2. start jacktrip: .\jacktrip -C [ip-address] -K [AP_your-name]

replace the brackets with corresponding values.

Changing the number of channel in Jackrouter

  1. in windows explorer navigate to the jack installation. then jack-router -> win64

C:\Program Files\JACK2\jack-router\win64

  1. Open "JackRouter.ini" (NOT the .dll file)as administrator. Alternatively change the user rights with right-click on that file -> properties -> security and change the rights for your User to full access.
  2. When the file opened change the two lines inputs and outpts to the desired number of channels. Save and close this files.

It should look something like this: [IO] input=16 output=16 float-sample=1

[AUTO_CONNECT] input=1 output=1 alias=0

Now programs using Jackrouter as audiodevice will appear with the filled in number of channels.